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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Where to go?

Like many researchers before me, I am in a transition phase, trying to figure out where to go next with my research... having come home and experienced the wonders of American food, TV in English, available friends, and a month left until the semester begins, I have been a wee bit sluggish to get back into researcher mode. I definitely needed a break, especially after a hectic few days getting back into the US, but yesterday it occurred to me that this short term post-trip lethargy could very well spring into a longer term post-trip lethargy... I have heard from several people, students and administrators alike, that the number obstacle in finishing your Honor's Thesis is time management, as in, should-I-take-this- weekend-backpacking-trip-to-Pennsylvania-or-should-I-work-on-my-thesis kind of a obstacle... luckily, there is no such trip looming in the future, and in the absence of any real plans, I am compelled to go further, to begin my book research, to begin applying what I learned in France to what scholars have said on the subject, and to get a much needed head start on what will be an incredibly difficult semester... I am carrying 18 credits, which break down as such: Science and Lab (TBNL) - 4 cr., Men's Chorus - 1 cr.,      Comparative Fascism - 3 cr., Senior Seminar: Politics of Oil - 3 cr., Intro to French Novel - 3 cr., Senior Thesis Writing - 5 cr. It will be a great semester, an excellent learning semester, but tough on the ol' schedule.

So I think I am going to list several topics I've identified in my head and on paper that I want to hit on in my thesis, topics that only came out after being in France. I want to state that I feel much more knowledgeable on this subject, much more confident in researching on my own, much better about writing a peer-reviewed hundred+ pg. paper for credit... I feel almost that even if the paper does not end up reflecting the amount of work I've put into it, it will be an extremely valuable process for me. I hope that the paper will be good, and like my dad said, "cutting edge for any level," but I've got to put the work into it first.

I think I should address: the French system that favors "elites," employment figures, promotions, women and immigrants hiring rates, schools, the end-of-high-school test the BAC, the "grands ecoles," minority and women representation in political offices, how Muslims express themselves politically (if at all), how much Jihad plays into Muslims' psyches, the solidarity between Muslims of different ethnicity and nationality types in a multicultural society, the role of religion in the live's of Muslims (a.k.a. religiosity), political leanings of the French populace in times of economic crisis, roots of French perceptions of national identity, and other topics I'm sure I will add to this list. My main concern is to get an idea about: what the values of the French culture are, how the majority of Muslims live and think in France, and how external and internal pressures strain and stretch these two foundations in order to form the current type of multicultural society we see in France today.

I think I will need to make out an outline of the paper soon... this is where, obviously, I will need some guidance from my advisor, but since we haven't had much contact this summer, I will need to set up a meeting with him as soon as I can. Aha, so that will be order of business number one...  DONE. Next, I want to do more reading, using what I learned in France as a backdrop. Here goes... see ya on fifteen.                                                                                                                                                                                                

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